Nigerian Authorities Accuse Kano of Using ‘Foreign’ Help to train ‘Jihadists’

The fun-loving Kano state in Nigeria continues to amaze. From AFP 9 February 2006:

Nigeria’s federal government accused a northern state on Thursday of collaborating with foreign powers to train 100 Muslim militants in intelligence gathering and the "practice of jihad".

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Nigeria: $10 Million to Fertilize African Farms

Briefly from the New York Times comes an appropriate use of oil money in Africa:

More than 40 African nations met in Nigeria and agreed to lift all cross-border taxes and tariffs on fertilizers needed to replenish the continent’s severely degraded soils. Nigeria’s president, Olusegun Obasanjo, committed $10 million to a fund to finance wider use of fertilizers. Three-quarters of Africa’s farmland is severely depleted of basic nutrients needed to grow crops.