Further demonstrating the priorities of the Bush Administration’s post-9/11 security mindset, it has abandoned efforts to stop police from using "10-codes" (10-4 etc) to standardize communications. Nevermind that significant communication problems, such as incompatible radios and failure to establish frequencies for the jargon to be even used, has failed miserably, as demonstrated in post-Katrina rescue ops.
The Bush administration has abandoned its plan to require policedepartments around the country to stop using traditional “10-codes” for
communication or risk losing federal antiterrorism funding, Homeland
Security Secretary Michael Chertoff announced yesterday (see GSN, Aug.
Under the new National Incident Management System, a post-9/11 project
designed to establish consistent practices among police departments and
other emergency response agencies, codes such as “10-4” for “message
received” are to be replaced with “plain English.” from Global Security Newswire