I’m probably one of the last people to see the 1992 movie "Sneakers", but I just did and found two fascinating and prescient quotes worth repeating here.
First, Redford to the NSA: You’re the guys I hear breathing on the other end of my phone.
NSA: No, that’s the FBI. We’re not chartered for domestic surveillance.
Second and more importantly: "It’s a war out there, a world war. It’s all about information…"
This is the killer quote of the movie. The guy who said it, a computer hacker with PlayTronic as his front, was likely thinking in terms of Future Combat System awareness of the "where" in battlespace and not the real bullseye of information of the "who" and the "why".
the real killer about this movie is its year : 1992 !clairvoyance 🙂
So true, so very true!
Priceless. I saw “Sneakers” when it came out, wasn’t crazy about the bad guy or the plot, but it did have a fascinating cast and some great acting by Redford. But that quote’s a keeper.
Sneakers – Classic Quote
I linked up to a new military/national security blog called MountainRunner who’s got some interesting posts – but since this is casual Friday, I need to keep this light. He reminded me of this great movie Sneakers – aired in