Be sure to visit This is the quiet website of the U.S. Government Interagency Counterinsurgency Initiative. There’s not a lot there besides the standard COIN quote at the top of each page.
The ICI’s mission is on the home page:
The Interagency Counterinsurgency Initiative (ICI) seeks to inform and help shape relevant USG policy and programs by incorporating the theory and history of counters to organized movements that use subversion or violence rather than established political processes to undermine or overthrow governments, with the goal of focusing appropriate elements of diplomacy, defense, and development on the alleviation of such threats.
The website has been on my sites to visit for months now (see the left margin of MountainRunner’s home page).
Having blogged on the site when it was created November 2006, it’s interesting to note that MountainRunner is one of the top referring sites. I don’t think I’m deserving of an award for sending 20 people their way since it was created in November, but it’s perhaps more telling that I am a top referrer while only sending 20 people their way since November. Maybe with this post, that number will double I’ll pass, but I’ll still be behind and holding spots #10 and #11 with 61 and 55 respectively.
The number one spot, by the way, has 1,147 visits. But I don’t no why and didn’t spend much time there. Go to the hosted report and go to the #1 referrer yourself.