There are worse places for a conference on “The Battle for Hearts and Minds”…like DC

The Diego Cazzin Center for the Study of Intelligence and Security of the University of Rome, Italy, is sponsoring an international conference titled “The Battle for Hearts and Minds: Soft Power in the Struggle against Global Jihadism” in Rome 28th-30th of November 2007. The location is the Matteo Ricci conference center of the Pontifical Gregorian University (Piazza della Pilotta, 4 ,Rome, Italy). The current description of the conference is a it sparse and they are still developing their website (which I’ll post when they send me the link).

Conference speakers will include experts on the subject of terrorism, radical Islamism and strategic intelligence, from Europe,the United States, Russia, the Middle East and the Vatican. There is no entrance fee.

Of course you’ll want to go. If you do, let me know how it was. I’m told by the organizers presentations will be in English and Italian.

To register, contact Mr. Francesco D’Arrigo. A website is forthcoming.