An opportunity to review what’s been posted on the site and what others are linking to. These are not typically the most popular posts for a given time, but somebody thought they were interesting enough to link to on their blog.
- David at Kings of War enjoyed and reminisced over the Find x post. MR friend David also linked to and added (in a post smartly titled Public Diplomacy 2.0) to my What the SecDef Didn’t Call For, But Should Have post published over at Small Wars Journal.
- The ZenPundit, MR friend Mark, also linked to my SWJ post.
- Another friend of MR, Chris, raised some good questions on my What the SecDef Didn’t [Say… should have used ‘Say’ instead of ‘Call For’] at Opinio Juris. Smart questions. Offline, Chris has given me some great input on an article that will be in a forthcoming book and/or a magazine (waiting on the latter’s acceptance and revision/shortening/updating suggestions). Chris questions will be in Part II of the Smith-Mundt discussion to come next week. Part 1.5 is here if you missed it.Michael at HoTS has a suggestion on personnel. He also used my commentary on a Heritage backgrounder to further his also wise Think Tank 2.0 concept. (Disclaimer: Mike and I have been talking offline about TT2 for a while…)
- The Skeptic الشكاك linked to this post on robots in war. At some point, I’ll actually get back to that report, finish polishing it, and submit it to a journal.
- Kent’s Imperative also linked to the same post talking about my "research into the psychological impact of unmanned systems in the battlespace."
- Jason, the Armchair Generalist, friend of MR (FoMR?), did the same.
- The Arabist felt bad for laughing (as many of us did) at this video on first responders.
- MR friend Adrian linked to MR in a post titled Collateral damage from Information Operations.
- Melissafrei’s Weblog is looking at private military companies and linked to one of my recent posts on the subject.
- Mike at Haft of the Spear (HoTS as he likes to call it), wrote on the proposed deal between 3Com and Huawei and linked to two old MR posts on Huawei here and here.
- Immediately after SecDef’s KSU speech and before What the SecDef Didn’t [Say], SWJ linked to Defense Secretary Urges More Spending on the "Civilian Instruments of National Security".
- McMasterChef did the same.
- Back to Kings of War, in The Theatre of Operations in the ‘War of Ideas’, David linked to the passage David Galula wrote on propaganda and highlighted my law of the modern battlefield of the mind:
- ‘The fungibility of force decreases as information asymmetry increases. In other words, the pen can be mightier than the sword in a world were perceptions matter more than fact.’
Also, have you seen this post? Searching MountainRunner is even easier