A few news aggregators you may be interested in but may not have known about. You know about Google News, but do you know about:
- COMOPS Monitor is an automated aggregator with “the latest links from the blogosphere on Strategic Communication, Terrorism, and Public Diplomacy.” It is from the Consortium for Strategic Communication, the group that also gives you the need-to-be on your reading list COMOPS blog. Buddy Steve Corman is the director and editor, respectively. Check out the lightweight version of the Monitor designed for mobile use.
- CRC in the News is from the Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization (S/CRS) and well, the title says it, includes links to articles and posts about the Civilian Reserve Corps (CRC).
- The uber-aggregator is Europe Media Monitor. There’s the EMM News Explorer that provides “Daily News Analysis, across language, and over time” and the EMM News Brief. Don’t miss their theme monitor. They also have a mobile edition. This site might be a surprise to US-focused newshounds. Just a moment before posting, France was the country most in the news. I’ve been wanting to insert EMM into MountainRunner for a while – a couple of years actually. Maybe it’s time to do something about that…
Not an aggregator, but worth mentioning:
- Business for Diplomatic Action doesn’t have a news aggregator (at least not yet… hint hint guys), but their headline section has a small sampling of public diplomacy-related headlines.
While on the subject of monitoring, you undoubtedly know about Technorati (which seems to arbitrarily ignore blogs linking to MountainRunner), but do you know about:
- Blog Pulse by Nielsen to explore trends and track conversations
- Talk Digger self-described as “the best way to find, follow and enter conversations of the Web”.
Talk Digger is interesting, but if you’re reading this blog it is probably not tracking the conversations you’re interested in. BUT, it’s still worth exploring. Maybe if we ALL jump on board, it will become useful in tracking discussions related to participation in the global information environment.