In July 2007 it was spying squirrels from Israel. Now, it’s pigeon spies:
Iranian security forces have apprehended a pair of "spy pigeons," not far from one of the country’s nuclear processing plants. If local media reports are to be believed, that is.
One of the pigeons was caught near a rose water production plant in the city of Kashan, down the road from the Natanz uranium enrichment facility. It had "a wired rod" and "invisible threads… fixed to its body," an unnamed source tells the Etemad Melli newspaper. A second, black pigeon was nabbed earlier in the month. …
Time once again for Project ACORN, the Autonomous Coordinated Organic Reconnaissance Network (first fielded July 2007):
We’re hearing a lot about ACORNs lately, no?
Dude, you forgot the vultures, which provide high altitude recognizance for the rest of the animals.