The January 13, 2009, Smith-Mundt Symposium is on track and interest in the event continues to build. This post contains several updates and a listing of the panelists.
The panel format has changed. All of the panels will now be completely moderated with no opening statements or presentations. The change will maximize the Q&A time. If a presenter wants to share a PowerPoint or a white paper, it will be in the electronic library that will be available to registrants before the event.
As for the venue, an announcement will be made soon. At the same time the venue is announced, registration will open.
There may be a media roundtable the week before the symposium. Details will be announced as they are finalized.
As for the panels, they are nearly complete. Below is the line-up (all names are confirmed). Bios will be available on the website once the venue is confirmed.
Panel 1: History of the Act
Len Baldyga, moderator
Richard Arndt
Barry Zorthian
Mike Schneider
Matt Armstrong
Panel 2: Bifurcated Engagement (the impact of the firewall today)
Marc Lynch, moderator
David Jackson
Karen DeYoung
Jeff Grieco
RADM Greg Smith
Panel 3: Rebuilding America’s Arsenal of Persuasion (future impact of the Act)
Kristin Lord, moderator
Ted Tzavellas
Nancy Snow
Colleen Graffy
+1 to be confirmed
Panel 4: View from the Hill (Congressional panel)
Doug Wilson, moderator
+4 to be announced
The agenda is available here.
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