There are over 150 people registered to attend the Smith-Mundt Symposium on January 13, 2009, in Washington, D.C. Due to space limitations and my desire to keep people comfortable for the long day, the 165th person and after will be placed on a waiting list.
This is about four times one estimate we had several months ago. This event is much more popular than I think anyone had anticipated.
If you registered and are not able or do not plan to attend, please contact me so I can adjust the count accordingly.
Members of Congress, including aides and staff, do not need to register and may attend by showing ID at the door. However, I do ask that you register so I can anticipate attendance. The same is true of media.
By the way, for the live blogger in you, there will be free wi-fi at the Symposium.
Last update: there will be a hosted reception immediately following the Symposium in the entry atrium of the event location, the Reserve Officers Association. Since the day’s agenda is too tight to allow networking or socializing the ideas, why not do it over free drinks to avoid the rush hour traffic?
Go the Symposium’s website and pose questions, examples, etc in advance of the event.
Questions or comments? Email me.