Briefly, check out State’s Facebook page eliciting comments on Sean McCormack’s Virtual Briefing initiative. As of now, there’s nothing there, but I expect comments to start appearing. Several of us were on a teleconference last week to share our thoughts on this with Sean. Look for more sooner than later.
Related, see ExchangesConnect Online Video Contest:
Enter your 3-minute video about what "My Culture + Your Culture" means to you for a chance to win an international exchange program! The contest opens on December 1, 2008 and ends on January 26, 2009.
Also, see Assistant Secretary Goli Ameri upcoming (Jan 5) talk at UCLA titled The Challenges of U.S. Public Diplomacy in the 21st Century. Ameri leads the State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA). Ameri recently
Thanks for featuring the contest in this interesting blog. I work at the State Department and we are really excited about the great videos we are hoping to get and the global dialogue they promise to generate. Check out the promo video and widget: