I’m traveling this week so it is very unlikely there will be any new posts on the blog. In the meantime, I recommend the posts below. Also, feel free to review and comment on previous posts here:
- A major setback in the war of ideas by Peter Feaver. First serious re-dress of Thom Shanker’s odd article that read more like a hit piece than serious journalism. Left unanswered is Feaver’s question: ok, so now how will Defense connect with State, especially Public Diplomacy, and the rest of Government? Also, serious questions remain how Michèle Flournoy plans reshape policy to satisfy the requirements Secretary Gates has established.
- Be sure to check out this blogger dialogue: Marc Lynch responding to Jim Glassman responding to Marc Lynch.
PSYOP for everyone by Chris Paul. Be sure to check out the comments.
- Recommended: WILL AMERICA’S VOICE STAY SILENCED? by Mitch Polman.