Details for the event “Strategic Communications in Countries Emerging from Violent Conflict” are below.
Albany Associates Ltd, in conjunction with Post Conflict People and supported by Portland PR would like to invite you to an International conference on ‘Strategic Communications in Countries Emerging from Violent Conflict’ 24-25 June 2009 at the Cumberland Hotel, London. This important two-day event for policy-makers, communications practitioners, academics and media will establish how strategic communications can be incorporated into policy at an early stage and how to win the critical battle for ‘hearts and minds’. Panel discussions to include:
- Strategic Communications – what has it got to do with stabilisation in countries emerging from conflict and why don’t we do it well?
- Mutuality; ownership and participation.
- Strategic Communications and New Media.
- Media Development and Regulatory Frameworks.
- Information Ecologies, Grassroots Communications and Research.
- A ‘view from the field’, a practitioner’s perspective, contributions from the UNAMA, AMISOM, UNRWA, MOD and an NGO.
Bringing together experts from a range of backgrounds, this will be a platform to share experience and knowledge, to formalise thinking and to consider models for implementation. Together with Keynote addresses from Alastair Campbell, a writer, communicator and strategist best known for his role as former British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Spokesman and Press Secretary and Director of Communications and Strategy and Jamie Shea, the current Director of Policy Planning in the Private Office of the Secretary General responsible for advising and assisting the Secretary General, senior NATO management, and the North Atlantic Council in addressing strategic issues facing the Alliance, Albany are expecting delegates from the UK and US Governments, the EU, NATO, the United Nations and other International organisations, NGO’s, Academics, Media, Independent Communications Experts, Defence Specialists and the Private Sector.
Cost per person (inc VAT): £349 (Govt, NGO, Academia, and Independent Practitioners), £599 (Corporate and Private Sector).
To register your interest at no obligation, please click on the following link and we’ll contact you in due course with a conference application form and further information on the conference programme. Alternatively, book on-line at .