Next weekend I’ll travel to London for the 8th Annual Information Operations Forum. According to the organizers, the conference will have its usual diverse audience:
1st Information Operation Command (Land), Air Mobility Command, British Army, Bundeswehr, CJTF HOA, CSIR, Canadian Department of National Defence, Canadian Forces, DEU PSYOPS Centre, DSTL, Danish Army, Defence Academy of the UK, Department of Defence, FFI Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, GCHQ, HQ JFC Naples (NATO), HQ Multinational Corps Northeast, HQ Soviet Forces in Afghanistan, HQ USAF, HQMC (PP&O), JIOWC/J3J, Joint IED Defeat Organization, London Metropolitan Police, NATO, Netherlands MoD, Norwegian Defence CIS centre, OTCOPN – MoD NL, RAF Waddington, Royal Air Force, Royal Danish Defence College, Royal Military College of Canada, Royal Netherlands Army, Singapore Armed Forces, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, U.S. Air Forces Africa, U.S. Marine Corps, UK MoD, USAF, US Army Civil Affairs & Psychological Operations Command (Airborne), US Army Special Operations Command, US European Command, US Special Operations Command, US State Department, US Strategic Command, USSOCOM, Ukrainian MoD
I’m looking forward to a number of the presentations, including Chuck Eassa’s (“Information Operations To Support Peace-Time Activities”) and Thomas Nissen’s (“Examining The Importance Of IO-Related And Supporting Functions”). Check out the agenda for Day One and Day Two. Also, for your reading pleasure, the event’s website (scroll down the page) includes some downloadable reading material.