is growing: today begins a new era as this blog will have its first regular contributor: Renee Lee. Renee will post on material – online and offline – we believe is important enough to be considered by the individual or organization interested in public diplomacy, strategic communication (or “signaling integration”), and global engagement.
Renee’s official title is communication operations officer, which is a fancy way of saying she’s helping me with engagement across all mediums both here at the blog and at the MountainRunner Institute.
Renee Lee is a graduate student in the Master of Public Diplomacy program at the University of Southern California. Renee spent six years in the U.S. Air Force as a public affairs officer in the Asia-Pacific region. Renee graduated cum laude from the University of Washington in 2003, earning a B.A. in Communications.
And, it’s worth noting, continues to welcome guest posts on issues related to the blog’s focus. Criteria are (generally): 600-1200 words, no product or service promotion, and no lobbying.
Welcome Renee!
P.S. I’ll admit “Communication Operations Officer” is not my favorite title, but both PAO and Assistant were inadequate. The proposed replaced “Strategic Communication” which doesn’t lend itself to a title very well: “Signaling Integration Officer”. Suggestions?