A belated announcement from me: Noah Shachtman made the move from, well his nameless old blog, to his new and friendlier home, Danger Zone hosted by Wired magazine. Some people came with him and another rejoined him to make Danger Zone essential reading. (Oh, and don’t forget to wish Noah a happy birthday.)
Because of the change of Noah’s online domicile, here’s a rundown of MountainRunner’s blogroll:
- Abu Aardvark :: Marc Lynch opens the door to Arab media, opinion and politics that reacts to and shapes US public diplomacy in the Middle East.
- Armchair Generalist :: Jason’s blog is required reading on CRBN and most everything else under the security umbrella. I especially enjoy his trenchant analysis of Condi Rice.
- Arms and influence :: thought provoking commentary on theory and strategic decisions. I recommend listening to his Podcast.
- Bad Guys :: Hosted by US News & World Report, David Kaplan is another Noah…
- Beacon :: Paul looks at, reframes, and contextualizes concepts of soft power in ways that’ll make you realize Joe Nye was onto something.
- Blog Them Out of the Stone Age :: historical insights
- ComingAnarchy.com :: hard to pin this collective down, but great commentary and analysis on a broad range of issues.
- Counterterrorism Blog :: the name says it. Read it.
- Danger Room :: Noah’s new digs
- Daniel W. Drezner :: good read, see his Foreign Affairs article in the latest issue (March/April 2007) which I have but isn’t on the website yet.
- David Phinney :: David’s all over PMCs…
- Draconian Observations :: Henrik posts are written with Scandanavian precision, I just wish he had the time to write more frequently because when he does it’s good stuff.
- Eccentric Star: A Public Diplomacy Weblog :: Ann’s tagline says it all: “Public diplomacy perspectives on the news”.
- Haft of the Spear :: Michael is the key intelligence blogger (that I know of 🙂 and definitely worth reading.
- Hidden Unities :: Eddie (also of FDNF) is hella deep sometimes
- Intel Dump :: Phil’s superb analysis from an insider’s perspective is required reading.
- IraqSlogger.com :: RYP’s site is the first stop for any news on Iraq
- Josh Kucera :: a journalist’s perspective. His upcoming trip should be interesting.
- John Brown’s Public Diplomacy and Press Review :: don’t let MountainRunner’s frequent appearance on John’s list fool you, this list is a tremendous news portal.
- Kathryn Cramer :: an incredible open source investigator
- Maps of War :: Check out the maps and you’ll know why.
- Opinio Juris :: in short, required reading. The lawyers delve into critical national security and diplomacy issues.
- Opposed Systems Design :: valuable analysis of current events
- Public Diplomacy Watch :: brief but encompassing commentary on public diplomacy with a focus on tourism (non-governmental exchange).
- Simulated Laughter :: another journalist perspective.
- SWJ Blog :: the posts on the Small Wars Journal Blog should be required reading for anybody interested in the modern world
- tdaxp :: Dan writes a smart and mentally challenging blog.
- The Belgravia Dispatch :: Greg’s analysis and commentary should be required reading
- The Duck of Minerva :: a collective of academics bring, well, an academic angle to their discussion (not that I do the same)
- The Green Ribbon :: Tom brings commentary from the other side of the pond. Mostly focused on UK politics, occasionally he has a good post on the Colonials
- The War Room :: Bridging reality and computer games with strong analysis
- Thomas P.M. Barnett :: Weblog :: The king of powerpoint. Perhaps I could insert a powerpoint transition sound effect to be more descriptive
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) :: One of the very few places to get a steady stream of UAV/UCAV etc updates (besides Defense Industry Daily which isn’t a blog)
- WhirledView :: Excellent analysis and commentary by public diplomacy and international affairs experts.
- ZenPundit :: Mark brings the deep intelligentsia to the discussion on war.
Now that I got this rundown out of the way, future additions will be accompanied by a post. Deletions will quietly fade away…
Update: six already added (left off is more like it): Bad Guys, David Phinney, John Brown, Josh Kucera, and Simulated Laughter.
Much thanks for the link Matt!Mrs. Zenpundit thinks I’m deep in something too -just not intelligence ;o)