Two blogs added to the blogroll to highlight. First up is Swedish Meatball Confidential. As Michael points out, this is quality blogging that might not be acceptable for workplace browsing. Read it for IO, STRATCOM, public diplomacy, and the scenery.
The other late addition (to MountainRunner, everybody else already had them) is the essential Kent’s Imperative.
In the spirit of Thomas Barnett, as adopted by SWJ, here are a few of the blogs linking to MountainRunner.
- Swedish Meatballs Confidential (who displays my feed’s headlines on his page)
- Hamon’s Pattern linked to my most recent post on private contractors.
- Olde Phart in Training linked to the suggestion to read Malcolm Nance and John Sullivan posts at the Small Wars Journal Blog (more on the Nance AQ argument forthcoming)
- Charlie Foxtrot (CF…greatly underused acronym for the post-9/11 strategy) notes I’m an “off the beaten path milblogger” when linking to my War of Images post.
- Danger Room linked to the post asking if Karen Hughes understands the do’s and don’ts of protocol.
Enjoy your Monday.