So the upgrade to MovableType 4 wasn’t as easy as I hoped it would be. If you went to the site today you may have some of the neat “features” I temporarily implemented: redaction of major portions of the screen. I had forgotten how much I didn’t know about CSS. The site isn’t done yet as there are still some layout & format issues here and there, which I’ll get to later, in addition to some elements from the old version of the site that haven’t made their way over yet.
However, the new version is cool and it will be worth it when the system’s fully up and running. The coolest of the new bells that functioning now is the expanded list of authentication systems for commenters. No longer do you need a TypePad account, you can reg here on MountainRunner, use your AIM ID, LiveJournal, OpenID, or WordPress credentials.
If you see something wrong on the site, please let me know by posting a comment here or emailing me. Thanks in advance.
Tomorrow I’ll resume posting… tonight, I’m walking away from the computer.
Email notification is a plug-in, but all the plug-ins are now easy to, well, plug-in, unlike before.-Matt (testing the AOL ID)
very nice. i’m totally the ‘Receive email notification of further comments’ built in now?