In response to AE’s comment on contractor KIAs in Iraq, I doubt (and agree there shouldn’t be) any joint memorial to our fallen servicemen and servicewomen and private contractors. Consider Blackwater USA, however. In their effort to emulate or reconstruct the US Armed Forces from which many of their number come, they have their own memorial. I’m not aware of any other firm that has such a feature (but not many have such expansive grounds to fit one either).
3 thoughts on “More on Contractor deaths”
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I see. Regarding your comment about emulation, I think that’s pretty much on the ball–the child with the flag demonstrates that.Which firm, by the way, has had the most KIAs?
Not sure off the top of my head, see for the security personal killed., outside of the successful Michelle Roberts’ successful FOIA request, is the most reliable record of KIA. In short, I don’t know the answer to your question…
Thanks. I’ll check it out later. I’d suspect blackwater though.