Light blogging for the next week

Between a deadline and presentations in DC next week, blogging will be so light there is a good chance nothing will go up between now and next Friday. 

In the meantime, peruse these recent posts

or look through the top picks, the categories or use the spiffy search engine at the top right.  The Google-powered search works creates a tabbed result set.  The tabs are: this blog, the Short List of highly recommended blogs, Wikipedia, Small Wars Journal, and finally the web in general.  And it’s not only cool looking but scary fast.

I’ll still have access to email. 

ConflictWiki: it’s not dead, just in a coma… it’s time to revive it

conflictwikiA while back I created the ConflictWiki as an open source and independent wiki hosting cross-cultural (institutionally speaking) content. The target communities included, but isn’t restricted to, those studying "hybrid wars," counterterrorism, intelligence, private military companies, private intelligence companies, peacekeeping and peacemaking, reconstruction and stabilization, and public diplomacy. was to be the clearing house for information and it was off to a good start with a large number of entries created (many by the blogger Bourbon and Lawndarts). 

I was never happy with the wiki interface as I wanted to structure the content to make it easy to read by both human and machine for easy extraction into other systems.  I have been looking at migrating off the wiki platform with its arcane (to me) formatting language to the MovableType platform. 

Short list of advantages of MovableType:

  • easy blog style / HTML editing
  • entries can have comments like blogs (using "pages" of MT 4.x, these are similar to but not blog entries)
  • hierarchical filing
  • easy cross linking

Short list of advantages of the MediaWiki platform:

  • changes to entries easily tracked and discussed
  • can comment on entries
  • not hiearchical

What are your thoughts?  Nothing has yet filled the gap ConflictWiki was intended to fill.  It’s time to breathe new life into it but what direction do we — it’s a collaborate effort — take it?  Stay with Wiki?  Go to MovableType?  Another platform? 

Return to blogging…

After a blogging hiatus brought on by last week’s travel and a flu that came on after a busy family weekend, I’m back.

If you didn’t notice, this blog’s subtitle has changed and my dog’s profile has been replaced by a less attractive mugshot of me. However, the icon for the site will remain the dog and not a minature me.

And now, back to blogging…

Posting will be light…

Posting will be light to non-existent this week. For the why, see this post. However, feel free to talk amongst yourselves. If you’re at the Army War College this week, give me a shout via email.

If you’re here for the first time, check out the Highlighted Picks on the right and the categories on the left and enjoy.

Blogging will be light next week

A heads up that posting next week will be very light to nil. On Monday, 14 January, I will be chairing two panels at the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Conference in Los Angeles. These are the same panels I chaired in May of last year in D.C.: Science as Diplomacy and Blogging for Technology: Science and the New Media.

And perhaps because I’m just not happy with the weather here in Los Angeles, Tuesday through Thursday (14-17 Jan), I will be at the Army War College for a workshop, New Media and the Warfighter. And then on Friday, 18 January, I’ll be in D.C., flying home that evening.

If you’re around any of these locales, drop me an email…

Admin note

I’ve heard from some that they had problems registering to comment on the site. I think I’ve fixed this, so if you tried in the past and failed, try it again. After the fix yesterday, a few quickly commenting here.

Have a safe and happy new year!

MountainRunner around the Web

An opportunity to review what’s been posted on the site and what others are linking to. These are not typically the most popular posts for a given time, but somebody thought they were interesting enough to link to on their blog.   

Also, have you seen this post? Searching MountainRunner is even easier

Searching MountainRunner is even easier

If you use the GoogleToolbar like I do, and if you search this blog like I do, then the MountainRunner toolbar button is for you.


Typing in the search box and then clicking the dog will search the blog or you can simply go to the home page by clicking the dog or, it gets better, click the drop arrow and read the news feed. No Ginsu knives, however.

To install, click here. I’ve submitted it to the Google button gallery as well.

I’m happy to share the incredibly easy steps w/ anyone or read about it here to dispel rumors of my technical prowess.

Now that that high priority project is out of the way…

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all. And to those who don’t want the American holiday that celebrates a 386 year old meal, happy Thursday.

While my tradition of a 10k meter Thanksgiving Day pool workout ended a couple of years ago, a six year old tradition of giving thanks for our troops overseas has not. While giving thanks for family, food, friends, and shelter, remember the soldiers, sailors, Marines and Airmen on duty around the world, not just those in Iraq and Afghanistan.

A couple of admin notes:

  • I’ve updated the blogroll, adding some blogs that were accidentally dropped and updating others.
  • Checkout ZenPundit’s cool new design and new url.
  • Checkout Adam’s new blog, Rethinking Security (his old blog, Simulated Laughter is going away)

MountainRunner around the web

Who linked to MountainRunner recently? Not much this time…

Mike starts his Christmas list recalling an offline comment on his pink Pearl (maybe it’s not pink, but it may as well be). 

There are times when I see something that interests a friend and forward it with the hopes it spurs a smart post). Jason’s post, Depth of Stupidity, is one example.

A few linked to Doing Strategic Communications in Iraq, or Not: Dave at SWJ noted I got my "dander up"; Josh Foust gave me two hands: the (first hand) Conjecturer and the Second Hand Conjecturer; and Wolf Pangloss’s Fish Taco Stand (?) linked to it as well for a definition of CLCs.

Dave at SWJ linked again: MountainRunner cuts to the quick in pointing out something we should be very concerned about in Iraq OKs Raids on Blackwater.

Alias linked to Bringing the real world home and knowing their real world.

MountainRunner around the web

Periodically I like to recognize who’s linking to MountainRunner… this is one of those times. Here are the links for the last ten days as I procrastinate revising an article:

  • First, the U.S. State Department’s blog, DipNote, put MountainRunner on their short blog roll. Let me be honest about this: I think it’s way cool to be on that blogroll.

And now for the other links:

An observation on linking to MountainRunner: when posting on robots, links from China goes up and the readership in Iran, India, Pakistan, China, and elsewhere in SE Asia shoot up as well.

Recent links to MountainRunner

It’s been a big 10 days of links to MountainRunner. Lots of links to my recent posts on robots in war.

Noah Shachtman at Danger Room linked to Robot kills 9, injuries 14, which was picked up by Boing Boing, and many, many others.

Andrew Sullivan of The Atlantic, Madisonian, linked to Implementation of ethical controls on robots.

CANinKandahar linked to DOD Approved Strategic Communication Plan for Afghanistan.

Josh Foust at A Second Hand Conjecture linked to The real Diplomacy of Deeds and Congress continues to screw up its priorities and we still don’t get privatization issue.

PR Watch picked up my article in GOOD Magazine and linked to MountainRunner, as did ZenPundit and Noah.

Both Andrew Sullivan (big shout out to Sullivan, Thanks for the links!) and Small Wars Journal (same to you Dave!) linked Revising History.

And, Kent’s Imperative linked to both Noting DipNote’s Noteworthiness (Updated) and A role model for DipNote? 

Thanks for the links everyone.